The objective of this project was to create a social media app that catered to fashionistas of all sorts. This app allows users to share and post to groups, discuss on forums, message their friends, search for fashion inspiration, and upload clothing articles to their wardrobe in the app in order to mix and match different outfit combination through utilizing the “style sphere” feature. Users also have the ability to share their outfit pictures and view those of other users.
The beginning stages of this project included a group of four members who all took on the task of learning about what ways this app could stand out from competitors, what features would allow for ease of use, why an app like this is needed, and what has worked well on other social media platforms.
Once the intensive research phase was complete, this project then turned into an individual design project and was created using Adobe XD. The app was designed for an Apple iPhone X. In addition to creating the app, a demo video was created showcasing how the app works and the different pages and features it has to offer. The demo video an be viewed above.

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